Saturday, January 24, 2009 / 8:02 AM
So touched.... im so touched... i don wan to say... but.. im just really touched ):.. well lets skip this part lols. today. went to bugis lo. thut fellowship. but just buy new year cloths. we split small group ma, then me,desmond,junyong and royston look ard lor. after that like nothing to see leh. all see till sian. then we went BK and slack all the way.. for me i no nid buy le. haha .. then we went home le. nothing to post today.
Friday, January 16, 2009 / 8:43 PM
Hey guys, few days were really busy ):. nv blog. haha. let me start my blog at 14/1/09 which is a wednesday. having learning festival. then at music room they teaching some ahem stuffs la.. then the music room then funny lor. having paper throwing war.. it like people throwing about 50-130 papers/min. ohmygod. =_=. then after school i went to buy ipod touch 2g~ haha (:. went alone ma cos just buy, then walk halfway saw ifthikhaar, with another 2 girls. haha. then we went out lor. hahas. then went library slack then go home le.
some pics for 14/01/09
jerome in da music room (:
my ipod using internet to surf my own blog (:..
this tissue is LOL
then on 15/01/09
was my manga drawing (sian). the whole lesson is like okok la. then around 1pm+. people taking baking over le. then serene message me lor. then sms her lor since in class so sian.. then around 1.20 jerome keep spam call me sia -_-. wth. i in class. then after that went to central with jerome and eat lor. after that went home =).
a friday which is yesterday. having maths trail at changi airport t3. then went there lor. after maths trail cannot eat sia sians. then slack in t3 with qikai,ifthikhaar and others lor. wa. then my ipod very famous lo =_=. syaffiq,glendon,hakim.neaem and other crowd in front of me and say "lend me lend me pls". lols. but oso shu got the ipod touch oso.. wa. but the yok got the iphone lor ==.. lols. after school. i meet kaiying and standly to go makan~ then go walk around lo. lol. after that i went home change cos got cg service at joses house. then suppose to meet at 5.30pm at tampines. i came at 5.35. quite early le. but. me and beverley only there ==.. rest all reach at 6+. haha. then after that cg start le lor. after the cg end, we slack ard. then have supper then makan at 201 there. while walking.. almost all of us very very the hungry ==.. then very funny sia =p. qifeng and i keep talking about food. talk until meijuan keep say "haiyo, why keep talking about food?" LOL lo.. then after we went to ate le lor. waiting for my carrot cake, shun bian help meiyan take her 1 lor. then i eat halfway desmond like to disturb sia ==.after we ate, me and qifeng didn't dare to talk about food le.. we were really damn full that we didn't dare to talk about food le ==.. then went home. haha. that's all for nw haha (:
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 / 6:56 AM
FED UP... SIANS..... wanted to buy ipod touch today. STUPID POSB ALLOW NETS MAXIMUM 200... sian.. end up tml then buy... today li lao shi last day oso. sad... she very good lor.. We'll miss you haha.. today oso very tired. me and my sis paint room.. lol. i keep messed up.. then went to loyang point buy london choco roll.. wee.. nicer then swiss roll =D

Nothing Much to post..
Saturday, January 10, 2009 / 6:53 AM
Hello guys!!.. long time no post le haha... today went to do flyer. we cheat 28 blocks haha =x. but still get paid. me wei jian and eng yi go out la. den i want to go changi village ma. they oso follow lor. but halfway eng yo feel headach. so we separate. i go there alone. just to buy shoe. buy liao go home. i like my new shoes leh =D. very nice. nth much to post le. bye guys! =). take care~
Saturday, January 3, 2009 / 10:51 PM
Hey guys, today was a very fine day. haha. nothing much to post today anyways =P. during school days like nothing to post eh. lol. today after school went home straight. felt very tired. oso =p. i sleep 3-4 hrs ytd only hahas. wee. can't wait for PW tml =p. one of my favourite subject. haha.. oh ya. today oso went to central and bought london choco roll. not bad leh. here the product.. blehs it not bad.
hahas. CCA Fair. was like WTF. Sec 1 fierce siol. AND HOR DONT ANYHOW SAY ME AND SERENE STEAD LA... CCA THING ONLY. =.=
it is at least much better then apollo =_=. haha. ok la. im signing off now. nothing to write already. cheers :D.
Friday, January 2, 2009 / 12:47 AM
HELLO :D ALL.. i relinked already.. hahas.. this will be my very first post of 2009 :).. my memories will all be posted here =D.. So today is the start of school.. got some kinda new sudents.. my class is already like international class =P.. hahas. ok la.. today school kinda boring la.. just nearly slept whole day in class.. i know some of my classmates sure laugh at me =_=. "well who cares?. don't they sleep? wow. pathetic lor". "no offense if u are one of them". after school.. i folloed wei jian, qing xian and eng yi go loyang point walk walk lor. then loyang point oso sells my dream console. "DSi" haha. kinda new de leh.. "although i own a dslite nw la" then walk halfway met qing xian and wei jian fren's. then they went to their house. left me and eng yi.
So after that me and eng yi go sheng song walk a while. i go buy 2 cream of chicken to cook at home. then he bought a drink. then i went to 7-11 and buy some stuffs to eat then we went home.. Reach home already i just slack lo. nth actually left to do. ok i'm done posting. if anything offense u in my post i'm kinda sorry. Cheers all :D. 2009 will be a goods start for all..