Saturday, March 7, 2009 / 5:53 PM
It was not really a good week for me this week ):, monday, stayed in school all the way till 6pm?. gahh.. so tired., tuesday, think i stayed back with serene?. all the way 9pm. or art klub, i think we are wasting too much time on the art klub. must have time management la!. and wednesday, art klub. 5pm. rain. good.. thursday went to applied mos burger with wei jian and taevid. still have not received call. gahh.. reached home 730pm. friday meeting cancelled. WOOT.. finally a rest day. so tired. heh.. quite hyper also? haa. especially with CHENWEI , JAZREEL and SYAFFIQ. haa.
iMac (:. played with jazreel,chenwei,syaffiq,akmal,wan jie and jamie

CIP.. zzz..
i prayed to god for strength?
yea. i thanked god for that. most of us were tired after cip end. but i was okayokay. heh. and after that went for cell group meeting and service (:.. it was a very good cell group meeting and service today. haa
My application form.

some pics i took in sat

Who holding my birthday card? Hmmm..



Birthday Card (Thank you Xinyu ah :D)

is it christmas already?

Staring blankly.


What are we doing with our toungue?. Jazreel, faiezah, chenwei, and what happened to my fringe? -.-

Chenwei: We are in Hawaii :D!!
Jazreel: Peace.

Friendship star, what is akmal head doing there. lol.

Big foot.