Hello books, bye bye entertainment
Hey guys, sorry for not blogging for a
very long time, very busy nowadays, yeah so i shall start off from CHENWEI's BIRTHDAY :D
We celebrated in TM so we met up in mac first and when everyone was here we went to open plaza to celebrate. we blindfold her and she was like "hhhhe
ppp!!!"" and we birthday bashed her. haha! damn. this post would be longer. i've been writing for 1 hour actually but the stupid blogger redirect me ):.
(wonder where will they bring me to.. are they treating me swensons? NONO crystal jade? )
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taitai, do u take 5 mins to cut ur cake?

fater cut lah!
Jazreel : can faster cut ma? i have to home and shit at the graphs!
Yeting : 我想要已经吃巧克力蛋糕! 更加快速的罐头?
ChunKwan : Bash Bash Bash

Yay!! taitai has finally cut the cake. it will be an epic greatest story ever told.
I did not take part so i slacked in the stadium with these people. some did have . but after/before their finals :D.
Oh Chenwei, Please don't grab so hard. i'm not a shopping bag. Thank you.

Shu is cramped by us

cup up extreme right shot.


ruth please dont slap me ):

I Kissed A Girl and i liked it. the taste of her HEY IT NOT CHERRY,

IN WORK.....
This paper states To : All staff .etc. Due to hygience purpose, NEA/Big boss will visit blahus therefore if we found any cap, name tag, uniform , shoes , socks WE WILL THROW IT AWAY. and guess what?. there's this KFC breakfast hat right on top of this paper..


I Bought this

and this pencil case

and a new ipod shuffle w/o picture.
this is what i cook. the egg is like kfc =_=. used to cook like kfc le. haha
