Friday, April 10, 2009 / 8:50 PM
hey guys :D
got many things to update but wont update all just update yesterday as i am a very lazy blogger now :x. yesterday. EASTER WOOT. worked from 8-3 yesterday as double pay. then i worked cashier. SIAN i want work baseeeeee. im base-dicted. heh. i burned my hand. walao the scar is -.-.. nvm then after work go fmeet up my friend. i take train with joy to expo first then meet up my friends then the final solution start liao. the drama quite touching lo. many people cry ):. well after drama we had fellowship at white sands. i went to water rise to buy some food when i saw radiah. i chatted with her and i laughed at her for some reasons :x. after fellowship have some meeting then i and joy ate supper at mac then we chatted. we keep, fried lama fried lama, damn funny lo. after that went home. nothing else to update.

took my collegue photo in base :x. forgot who.