hello guys, so damn zzz la today, i wished i worked today. today there's bible study. when im going to take train. i was told that it was cancelled. zzz... wasted my money lo. nvm. i went to kopitiam ate some korean food. apparently it was turned out to be a bit burned and taste kinda weird. after that went home, saw alex. he told me that there's many cashier today and I was like. how i wished i worked today. i may be posted to do base today. hais. well nothing to write. ending here. thanks for reading.
Hello guys! long time no blog, recently was quite fun and tiring but fun. especially work. and celebrity week was awesome man. but it ended very late. around 8.40pm? haha. no more prayer meeting already. gahh. i miss prayer meeting ):. forgot what to wana blog about but feel like enjoying myself during last week of holiday~~. feel like going escape, flyer and all the fun thing (:. haha. anyone interested ask me. den we can go :D. or maybe an outing, and oh yeah. looking forward to survivor time. going to be exciting ma..
Pictures time :D

E149 :D. find me =D

She Glam I Unglam (Really)

Colourful right.

Coulouful Devil (just joking. HAHA)


Tic tac toe.

Oh yeah. burger king breakfast rocks! anyone want join me next time? :D. update pics in next post :D
Hello guys (:. long time no blog ya. this post will not have any pics. as im lazy to send haha!. let me recall. hmm. rev mary's preeching is power man. she preech about prayer effectiveness. so damn power. haha. after service. uhh. we fellowshipped at simei. so we walked there. i walk with meixian and we chatted. haha. so after fellowship, i,felicia and hoi han took the same bus home and. happy birthday hoi han yeah, you're 15 already! :D one more year and you're not NC already. haha. hmm.. monday i worked. monday was fun man. we did finish all the cashier closing surprisingly before 1030!. what's better. only 2 cashier doing closing. kahmun and I. wow. cant believe. lo. tuesday cashiew closing is a bit later. me and auntie hong keng finished everything by 1130. haa. but is okay. and as for today. prayer meeting. after that we (window) shopped at central. Angela cam-whored a lot. yeah. haha. pity Evon's phone haha. after that we went home. yeah.
you see. i summarised 4 days event in such a short post. wahaha :D