Hello guys! long time no blog, recently was quite fun and tiring but fun. especially work. and celebrity week was awesome man. but it ended very late. around 8.40pm? haha. no more prayer meeting already. gahh. i miss prayer meeting ):. forgot what to wana blog about but feel like enjoying myself during last week of holiday~~. feel like going escape, flyer and all the fun thing (:. haha. anyone interested ask me. den we can go :D. or maybe an outing, and oh yeah. looking forward to survivor time. going to be exciting ma..
Pictures time :D

E149 :D. find me =D

She Glam I Unglam (Really)

Colourful right.

Coulouful Devil (just joking. HAHA)


Tic tac toe.

Oh yeah. burger king breakfast rocks! anyone want join me next time? :D. update pics in next post :D